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inch ruler

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Q: What fractional parts are on a six inch ruler?
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Related questions

Where is seven inch on a ruler?

Between six inches and eight inches! 17.78 centimetres from the start.

What is six tenths of an inch?

Well, honey, six tenths of an inch is simply 0.6 inches. It's like saying you have six out of ten fingers - not quite a full inch, but close enough. So, grab a ruler and measure away with that sassy little fraction.

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Where is the center of gravity on a twelve inch ruler?

Provided it's the same thickness and width all the way along, the centre of gravity will be atthe six inch mark and in the centre of the ruler. This is provided that there is no, or even spaces at each end. That is to say that the 0" and 12" marks are right at the end or at least the same distance from the end.

Where is eight and five eighths on a ruler?

eight and five eighths on a standard 12" ruler should be six lines after the 8 inch line (2 marks after the longer 1/2" line that's in the middle between 8 and 9 inches

In fractional notation how do you convert six and three over seven?


When was Six Inch Nails Records created?

Six Inch Nails Records was created in 2009.

How do you write six hundred and six hundred ths?

To write six hundred and six hundredths, you would write it as 600.600. In decimal form, the number 600 represents the whole number part, and the number .600 represents the fractional part, which is six hundredths. This can also be written as 600 6/10 or 600 3/5 in fractional form.

What is a six-letter word for a total ruler?

A tyrant.

What is the fractional part of six out of 10 write it indecimal?

6/10 = 3/5 = 0.6

How long is twenty six inch hair on a person that is five foot seven?

emm am guessing twenty six inch?

How do you write two and six thousandths in standard form?

You can either write it as 2.006 (the six is in the 'thousandths' place) or in fractional form 2 6/1000.