Well, honey, six tenths of an inch is simply 0.6 inches. It's like saying you have six out of ten fingers - not quite a full inch, but close enough. So, grab a ruler and measure away with that sassy little fraction.
Every eighth is 11/4 tenths. Multiply eighths of an inch by 1.25 to get the same length in tenths of an inch.
Six tenths is 6/10, or .6. Six hundredths is 6/100, or .06. Six tenths is greater than six hundredths by 0.54.
five tenths of an inch (5/10)
Is six bigger than four?? YES! Then six tenths is bigger than four tenths.
There are ten tenths in anything.
1.25 tenths of an inch.
The six is in the tenths' place.The six is in the tenths' place.The six is in the tenths' place.The six is in the tenths' place.
Every eighth is 11/4 tenths. Multiply eighths of an inch by 1.25 to get the same length in tenths of an inch.
7 tenths of an inch is just 7 tenths of an inch (7/10) or another way 0.7" or 17.77mm
Six tenths is 6/10, or .6. Six hundredths is 6/100, or .06. Six tenths is greater than six hundredths by 0.54.
five tenths of an inch (5/10)
Is six bigger than four?? YES! Then six tenths is bigger than four tenths.
Six-tenths in decimals is 0.6
Six-tenths (60%) is bigger than four-tenths (40%).
There are ten tenths in anything.
six tenths is the same as sixty hundredths.