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Cartesian co-ordinates y = mx+c for instance.

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Q: What graph is used to show the relationships of two values?
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Is a circle graph used to show changes over time?

No it isn't. Line graphs are used for that. Circle graph show values compared to all of the values.

A visual illustration used to show mathematical relationships is called a?

A graph is a visual illustration of related numbers

How can you use a circle graph to show data about how body mass changes with height?

You cannot. A circle graph cannot be used to illustrate relationships between two variables.

What is used to show the relationshhip between two variables?

A scatterplot, if the relationship is inexact - like height and weight. A line graph for exact relationships. An equation or function may be used for exact relationships.

What is a scatter chart used for?

It can either show the relationships among the numeric values in several data series or plots two groups of numbers as one series of xy coordinates. You can use it to plot lines and curves.It can show uneven intervals - or clusters - of data and is commonly used for scientific data. When you arrange your data, place x values in one row or column, and then enter corresponding y values in the adjacent rows or columns. Then they can be plotted on the graph.

What graph can be used to show relationship?

circle graph

How do you graph range and domain?

You do not graph range and domain: you can determine the range and domain of a graph. The domain is the set of all the x-values and the range is is the set of all the y-values that are used in the graph.

How are variables used to show relationships?

Variable are used to show relationships by multiple ways.

When is pie graph used?

A pie graph is used to show the proportions of a whole.

What graph is used to show the averageprecipitationon a climograph?

a line graph

What type of graph is used to show change?

bar graph

What are three type of graphs in science?

The three kinds of graph is bar graph, line graph, and pie graph. bar graph is used to compare two or more things. A line graph is used to show changes over time. A pie graph is used to show proportions.