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its gets cold

Actually the ice gets warmer. Its the water that gets cold.

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The water loses heat and the ice melts.

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Q: What happens when ice is added to water?
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What process happens to ice when water is added?

When water is added to ice, the ice will begin to melt. The ice absorbs heat from the water, causing the ice to transition from a solid state to a liquid state.

What happens to the water temperature and water state as dry ice is added?

The temperature decrease and water can be transformed in ice.

What happens to ice cubes if salt water is added?

It melts slowly.

What happens if energy is added to or remove from a glass of water?

If a sufficient amount of energy is added to a glass of ice water, the ice will melt, and if a sufficient amount of energy is removed, the water will freeze solid.

What happens to ice when heat energy is added?

When heat energy is added to ice, the ice melts and turns into water. This process is called melting. As more heat energy is added, the water will continue to heat up until it reaches its boiling point, at which point it will turn into steam.

What is the scientific process that happens to floating ice cubes after they are added to water?

When ice cubes are added to water, they melt due to the transfer of heat energy from the water to the ice. This causes the ice to change state from a solid to a liquid. As the ice melts, it raises the temperature of the water until both reach thermal equilibrium.

What happens when thermal energy is added to dry ice and regular ice?

When thermal energy is added to dry ice (solid carbon dioxide), it undergoes sublimation and directly changes from a solid to a gas, without passing through a liquid phase. On the other hand, when thermal energy is added to regular ice (solid water), it melts into liquid water, and then if more energy is added, it evaporates into steam (water vapor).

What happens if energy is added or taken away from a glass of ice water?

That depends on how much energy, but simply:added, more ice melts to water - if enough is added all the ice will melt and the temperature risestaken away, more water freezes to ice - if enough is taken away all the water wii freeze and the temperature will dropAs long as there is both ice and water the temperature will hold constant.

What happens if energy is added or removed from a glass of ice water?

If energy is added to a glass of ice water, the ice will absorb the energy and begin to melt. If energy is removed, the ice will give off heat to its surroundings and may freeze further. Ultimately, the temperature of the glass of ice water will change based on whether energy is added or removed.

What happens to a glass filled half way with water and then ice cubes are added?

As the ice cubes are added to the glass, they displace the water that was already in the glass. The level of water in the glass will rise slightly due to the displacement caused by the ice cubes, but the total volume of water and ice combined will remain the same as before the ice cubes were added.

Why does ice melt when salt is added?

Salt decreases the freezing point of water, causing the ice to melt. This happens because the salt lowers the temperature at which the ice can exist in a solid state, leading to the ice absorbing heat from its surroundings and melting.

What happens when water is added to albumin?
