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The operation "divide by zero" is not defined.

However, in the limit, as the denominator of a fraction approches zero, the quotient approached infinity. In other words, the result gets larger and larger the closer the denominator gets to zero.


Another thing to consider is the recipical of Y=2/X. YX=2 is an equivative of Y=X\2. But you know that any number multiplied by 0 is 0. If X is 0 in the equation the two variables could not equal 2.

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Q: What happens when zero is on the botton of a fraction?
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What is the botton number call in a fraction?

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The world as we know it ceases to exist as the space-time continuum folds in on itself. Or Nothing happens. Division by zero is undefined. Any fraction with zero as a denominator is meaningless.

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The fraction reduces to 1 - UNLESS they are both zero, in which case the fraction is undefined.

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The answer would be "undefined" as there is no way to divide a number by zero (0).

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Any fraction that has a zero as the numerator equals zero. Any fraction that does not have a zero in the numerator would be a nonzero fraction.

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The fraction is zero. 0 divided by anything except zero is zero.

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The rule is if the numerator is zero than the value of the fraction is zero.

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Zero can be neither the numerator nor the denominator of a fraction.

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