F. X. Kirwan has written:
'The Scottish Development Agency' -- subject(s): Administration, Scottish Development Agency
Suppose you wish to differentiate x/f(x) where f(x) is a differentiable function of x, and writing f for f(x) and f'(x) for the derivative of f(x), d/dx (x/f) = [f - x*f']/(f2)
A function f(x) is Even, if f(x) = f(-x) Odd, if f(x) = -f(-x)
f(f(x)) = f(x). Only if f is 1-1 then we have a solution f(x)=x.
While no set of rules can handle differentiating every expression, the following should help. For all of the following, assume c and n are constants, f(x) and g(x) are functions of x, and f'(x) and g'(x) mean the derivative of f and g respectively. Constant derivative rule:d/dx(c)=0 Constant multiple rule:d/dx(c*f(x))=c*f'(x) Sum and Difference Rule:d/dx(f(x)±g(x))=f'(x)±g'(x) Power rule:d/dx(xn)=n*xn-1 Product rule:d/dx(f(x)*g(x))=f'(x)*g(x) + g'(x)*f(x) Quotient rule:d/dx(f(x)/g(x))=(f'(x)*g(x)-g'(x)*f(x))/f(x)² Chain rule:d/dx(f(g(x))= f'(g(x))*g'(x)
F. X. Dias has written: 'Mogan morn'
F. X. Rizy has written: 'O'Neill the Great'
F. X. J. D'Ambrosio has written: 'Prepare or deter?'
M. F. X. Bichat has written: 'Traite d'anatomie descriptive'
F. X. Oettl has written: 'The typographic and calligraphic writings of Stanley Morison'
F. X. Soewarto has written: 'Faktor-faktor penentu fertilitas di Irian Jaya'
F. M. has written: 'Cuentos de X, Y y Z'
F. X. de Donnea has written: 'The determinants of transport mode choice in Dutch cities'
F. X. Koesworo has written: 'Di balik tugas kuli-tinta' -- subject(s): Press
J. F. X. Hoery has written: 'Banjire wis surut' 'Wuludomba pancal panggung'
F. X. Coppin has written: 'Sacrae liturgiae compendium' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Liturgy
F.-X Burque has written: 'Le Docteur Pierre Martial Bardy' -- subject(s): Biographies