The 15th one, so that would be at 4:32pm at the 65th second so the it would be 15 hours, 92 minutes, and 65 seconds into the day. -:) Jax7777
Pi Day is March 14th because the first thee digits of pi are 3.14
Pi Day can be celebrated by eating a pie, discussing topics related to pi, dressing in pi-ralated apparel, such as a shirt with the pi symbol on it, or doing anything else related to pi.
The next pi day is on Saturday. Which is March 14, 2009.
Pi day
Larry Shaw made pi day on 3, 14, 1989.
March 14th on the 15th hour 9th minute and 2nd second. 3.141592 equals pi
Pi day is on March 14th, because Pi=3.14 It is just a day to celebrate pi
The celebration day of pi (3.14159265...)
Pi Day is on march 14(3.14)
We have pi day to sorta symbolize the meaning of pi. I think it is just for fun
Pi Day is March 14. It is that day because it is 3-14 (the first 3 digits of pi). It is just a day to eat pie (the dessert) and celebrate pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375...)
AnswerPi day is on March 14th or 3/14.This is because an approximation of the number pi is 3.14.
Pi Day is March 14th because the first thee digits of pi are 3.14
Anniversary of Pi day is MARCH 14th.
Bake a pi pie!
Larry shaw created pi day in 1988 :)
Pi Day can be celebrated by eating a pie, discussing topics related to pi, dressing in pi-ralated apparel, such as a shirt with the pi symbol on it, or doing anything else related to pi.