58% or F
69% or D+
your grade would be 80% or a B-
13/15 is about 87%, which is typically a "B". This may vary depending on the grading rules at your school
87% or B+
58% or F
69% or D+
Miss 5% of your test or work sheet
your grade would be 80% or a B-
13/15 is about 87%, which is typically a "B". This may vary depending on the grading rules at your school
15 / 31 * 100% = 48.39% Usually you need to obtain 50% or over to pass an exam or test.
5 of them.
i am in 8 grade and it depends on what school you go to for example in my school you can miss 10 days and you have to tell why and if you miss school more then 10 day the police will take the kids away that's how my school or you can just ask that from the main office of your school :)
Miss Caroline Fisher is her first grade teacher.