If the average of a set of numbers has a remainder, it typically means that the sum of the numbers in the set is not evenly divisible by the total count of numbers in the set. This can occur when there are fractions or decimals involved in the calculation of the average. To address this situation, you may need to consider rounding the average to a certain number of decimal places or using a different method of calculating the average that accounts for the remainder.
40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.
When doing any division, when you are done dividing and get a remainder, put the remainder over the divisor to get the remaining fraction. For example, 23 ÷ 5 = 4r3, so you put the 3 over the 5 and you have 4+3/5 ■
Yes because there is no legit remainder. If you do 4 divided by 2 you get 2 with a 0 remainder or no remainder.
The buoyant force acting on the bottle is greater than its weight due to the displaced liquid inside. This causes the bottle to float, as the weight of the displaced liquid is greater than the weight of the bottle. This phenomenon is known as buoyancy and follows Archimedes' principle.
Very. The business and accounting programs are some of the top in the nation, and the remainder of programs are all high above average.
As for example 23/8 = 2 with a remainder of 7
98 ÷ 14 = 7 (there is no remainder).
40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.40/6 = 6 with remainder 4.