You were born in 1945 (2012-67).
You would have been born in 1998 or 1997. As of March 1, 2010, you would be 12 if you were born between March 2, 1997 and March 1, 1998.
You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).
You were born in 1945 (2012-67).
Calculated from 2010, the year of birth is 1997. (2010 minus 13 = 1997).
On your birthday in 2012, you would turn 15.
If you were born in 1997, you would belong to the 20th century as the 21st century began in the year 2001.
As today is the 5th of August 2010 and you were born in 1997 you would have turned 12 last year, turning 13 this year.
If your 15th birthday is this year (2012), then you were born in 1997 !
1997 or 1998, depends what day it is now to the month you were born
Assuming you have already celebrated your birthday, you would be 2010-1997 = 13 years old. If you have not celebrated your birthday, you would be 2010-1997-1 = 12 years old.
Yes. 1997 was the year of the Ox or Bull
You would have been born in 1998 or 1997. As of March 1, 2010, you would be 12 if you were born between March 2, 1997 and March 1, 1998.
It is the year 1997 for all of you peoples that were born on the year 1997