Twelve plus two tenths plus five thousandths equals twelve and two hundred five thousandths.
I don’t know
Eight hundred thirty-four thousand, two hundred nine.
5.007 5 + 0.007 Five and seven thousandths
one tenth plus one hundredth plus five thousandths
Three hundred seventy two billion, 54 million, 2 thousand eight hundred and five.
The number .0005 in word form is "five ten-thousandths." This is because the digit 5 is in the ten-thousandths place, which is four decimal places to the right of the decimal point. Each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10 that is a negative exponent, so .0005 can be read as "five times 10 to the negative four."
In word form, we write eighty-four and 2 tenths.In standard form, we simplify the expression to get 84.2.
Sixtyeight point four.
I don’t know
3 + 0.01 + 0.006 = 3.016 in word form = three a nd sixtee n thousa ndths
Twelve and twenty five thousandths.
Eight hundred thirty-four thousand, two hundred nine.
two plus three equals five
5 plus 0.007 = 5.007 or five and seven thousandths.
Six plus zero point eight plus zero point zero nine.