-3.5 is a mixed number and there is no way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is -3.
35% of 546 = 546*35/100 = 191.1 which, rounded to the nearest whole number, is 191
A whole number does not include the fractions or decimal places.34.84 would round up to 35.
220 rounded to the nearest whole number is 220.
There are no four consecutive whole numbers that add up to 35. The sum of two consecutive [whole] numbers is an even number plus an odd number which is an odd number. The sum of two consecutive numbers and the two next consecutive numbers is the sum of two odd numbers which is even, but 35 is odd, so no four consecutive whole numbers cannot add up to 35.
35/5 is equal to the whole number 7.
You can't. 35 is a whole number, and mixed numbers are not whole.
Yes 35 is a whole number or integer
As a whole number it rounds up to 35
35% of 546 = 546*35/100 = 191.1 which, rounded to the nearest whole number, is 191
A whole number does not include the fractions or decimal places.34.84 would round up to 35.
It is 35
It is 35.
220 rounded to the nearest whole number is 220.
It can't be expessed as a whole number but as a fraction in its simplest form it is: 7/20
The integer 35 is a whole number