.3328 rounded to four decimal places is .3328
.3328 rounded to three decimal places would be .333
37.99095 rounded to four decimal places is 37.9910.
Rounded to four decimal places, the square root of 12345678910 is approximately equal to 111111.1107.
Removing all but the first four decimal places leaves 3.1415, then checking the first number left off, we see a 9 which means that we round our last number up. So the final answer is 3.1416
The value of pi, to its first four decimal places. Pi cannot be written in full as a decimal number, so it is impossible to write it in full. As a result it is usually rounded up or written with the first few of its decimal places, as in this case.
Well, darling, the number 36.4375 has four decimal places. It's not rocket science, honey, just count those digits after the decimal point. So, in this case, you've got 4 decimal places to work with. Hope that clears things up for you!
The number is already rounded to a greater degree than that!
37.99095 rounded to four decimal places is 37.9910.
It is 19299522.0000
The correct answer is 1.9420
33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places. if it were 33.4829, which is four decimal places, you would round it to the nearest three DECIMAL places, which would be 33.487. So, the answer to your question is; 33.487 is already rounded to three decimal places.
log(245) = 2.3892 (rounded)
0.017 is a number which is given to 3 decimal places. The equivalent number, at four decimal places, is 0.0170 but any number in the interval (0.0165, 0.0175), when rounded to four decimal places would give 0.017 to three.
To convert four sixths to a decimal, you divide the numerator (4) by the denominator (6). 4 divided by 6 equals 0.666666..., which can be rounded to 0.67 when expressed as a decimal.
Rounded to four decimal places, the square root of 12345678910 is approximately equal to 111111.1107.
Rounded to four decimal places, (0.92 / 45.9) x 100 = 2.0044 percent.
Removing all but the first four decimal places leaves 3.1415, then checking the first number left off, we see a 9 which means that we round our last number up. So the final answer is 3.1416