0.03 as a mixed number is 3/100. To convert a decimal to a mixed number, you can write the decimal as a fraction by placing the decimal value over the place value of the last digit. In this case, the last digit is in the hundredths place, so 0.03 can be written as 3/100.
3.003 as a mixed number
.0032 is greater than .003
The smaller the value the closer it is to zero..003 < .01, therefore .003 is closer to zero.On a number line (not to scale):---(0)--(.001)-(.002)-(.003)-(.004)-(.005)-(.006)-(.007)-(.008)-(.009)-(.010)-(.011)Notice how .003 is closer to 0 than .010
.003 is faster than .005
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
A mixed number is a whole number plus a fraction, so it has to be more than ' 1 '.0.03 is a little bit less than ' 1 ', so there's not enough there to make a whole number,and way too little to make a mixed number.
Ra-1780 003 is it real
0.003% = 0.00003
14540-p13-003 has to be purchased directly from Honda.
Oh, dude, you're really making me work here. So, like, technically speaking, .003 in word form would be "three thousandths." But like, who even says that? Just stick with .003, it's way easier to say.
How much is a seth Thomas grandfather clock worth with number 4499-003
.0032 is greater than .003
The smaller the value the closer it is to zero..003 < .01, therefore .003 is closer to zero.On a number line (not to scale):---(0)--(.001)-(.002)-(.003)-(.004)-(.005)-(.006)-(.007)-(.008)-(.009)-(.010)-(.011)Notice how .003 is closer to 0 than .010