A number without a decimal would be a number without a fraction - hence it would be a "whole number".
Leave it exactly as it is. The answer is 4981000 - without a decimal point or any other frills.
2*1 010 in binary = 2
0.011 is larger than 0.010
Find a calculator or use your brain! And without a decimal, no.
0.110 is read as "ten thousandths".
To a decimal base "1,010,101" is One million ten thousand one hundred and one. To a binary base "1010101" is the decimal number Eighty five.
A number without a decimal would be a number without a fraction - hence it would be a "whole number".
It is a repeating decimal.
It is: 3,100,000,000
Yes a whole number is a number without a fraction or a decimal point.
a decimal in which a digit or group of digits repeats without end
A decimal without a remainder is a whole number or integer.
.010 is thicker than .005
If a number is written without a decimal it is usually assumed to be after the last digit.
A recurring decimal.
Without a decimal point it is not a decimal number but the 2 in 1362 represents 2 units