Well, honey, 0.20833333333 simplified is just 5/24. So next time you see that never-ending decimal staring you in the face, just remember to whip out your fraction skills and simplify that bad boy. Keep calm and simplify on!
The easiest way to solve this kind of problem is to muliply the number so that all the digits that are NOT part of the recurring portion are to the left of the decimal point.
In this case we multiply by 1000 so that the 0.208 becomes 208.
Also, let the original number be represented by a.
0.2083 (3 recurring) x 1000 = 208.3 (3 recurring) = 1000a
Now subtract the original number :
1000a - a = 999a = 208.3 (3 recurring) - 0.2083 (3 recurring) = 208.125
Then, a = 208.125/999
If this is expanded to become 208125/999000 then it simplifies to 5/24.
7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.7/30 cannot be simplified.
It can not be simplified further.
78 simplified is 78.
What is 2.75 simplified
It is simplified.
No it can not be simplified
700 is already simplified
0.023 cannot be simplified.
can not be simplified
67.5 cannot be simplified.
That can't be simplified further.
10.9 cannot be simplified.