To convert 8.03 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 8. The decimal part, .03, can be converted to a fraction by placing it over 100, as there are two decimal places. So, .03 as a fraction is 3/100. Therefore, 8.03 as a mixed number is 8 3/100.
3/100 = .03 = 3%
1,000,000,000 * .03 = 30,000,000
_______% of ___________= can also be calculated as _______%*____________= with the percent being put into decimal form 3% of 1700= .03*1700=...
Well, honey, 3 percent of 70,000 is 2,100. So, if you were hoping for a quick math lesson, there you have it. Don't spend it all in one place!
To convert 8.03 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 8. The decimal part, .03, can be converted to a fraction by placing it over 100, as there are two decimal places. So, .03 as a fraction is 3/100. Therefore, 8.03 as a mixed number is 8 3/100.
The fraction three-fourths has an absolute value less than one. It does not, therefore have a proper representation as a mixed number. However, if you must have such a representation, the answer is 03/4.
.03, 3%, 3/100
3/100 = .03 = 3%
303.3333333333333 9.1 = .03 * n 9.1 / .03 = n n = 303.3333333333333 or 303.3
Multiply the decimal form of the percentage by the number. 3%= .03, so .03*47205= 1416.15
9/105 = 3/35. It is not a mixed number but, if you MUST write it as a mixed number you could write it as 03/35 although I cannot imagine why any sensible person would wish to do so.
2.25 is the answer. A percent is alway equal to .01. .01x3 = .03 or 3% Multiply the number by this to get the answer = 2.25.
Mixed Blessings - TV series - was created on 1978-03-03.
The largest whole number would be 4 and the .03 is 3/100.43/100 or 403/100