-0.5 is a decimal number. To get to the nearest whole number, it would be rounded up to 0, or could be rounded down to -1.
You need to know how many cm there are in a whole meter.Then divide 20 by that number, and you'll have your fraction.
When you are using decimals any extra zeros at the end wont matter. Just like when you put zeros in front of whole numbers. ex. 5 = 05
The whole number that comes just before 5646 is 5645. Whole numbers are integers that are greater than zero and do not have any decimal or fractional parts. In this case, 5645 is the whole number that immediately precedes 5646 in the number line.
3 500 * .05 = 175
No it isn't; 46 is greater than 05.
My Whole World Ended was created on 1969-05-01.
A Whole New World was created on 1992-11-05.
The Happiest Girl in the Whole U.S.A. was created in 1972-05.
Let the Whole World Sing was created on 2008-08-05.
Let's Call the Whole Thing Orff ended on 1972-05-20.
83.25 rounded to the nearest whole number is 83
5 year 100k miles for the engine 3 year 36,000 for whole vehicle
are you talking about the whole unit? if so, you have to remove the front bumper, it's easier than it sounds. hope this helps
You need to know how many cm there are in a whole meter.Then divide 20 by that number, and you'll have your fraction.
Use these: A). One whole thing = 100% B). The word 'of' in arithmetic means multiplication, or 'times'. Since 100% = 1, 5% = .05 Since we want to find 5% of 21180632, the arithmetic is .05 times 21,180,632 = 1,059,031.6
In check writing form, 411.05 would be written as "Four hundred eleven and 05/100." This format specifies the whole dollar amount first, followed by the word "and," then the fraction of a dollar in terms of cents. In this case, the cents portion is written as "05/100," indicating five cents.
When you are using decimals any extra zeros at the end wont matter. Just like when you put zeros in front of whole numbers. ex. 5 = 05