0.9 recurring as a fraction is equal to 1. I know its crazy. But its true.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Whether it is recurring or not depends on the fraction.
Although it is a terminating fraction, it can be written as a recurring fraction as: 0.47000000... or 0.46999999...
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 0.5 recurring is equal to 5/9, or five ninths.
If that's a recurring 6 then as a fraction it is -2/3
0.1717 recurring written as a fraction is 17/99
0.75 recurring written as a fraction is 25/33
0.9 recurring as a fraction is equal to 1. I know its crazy. But its true.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. Whether it is recurring or not depends on the fraction.
Although it is a terminating fraction, it can be written as a recurring fraction as: 0.47000000... or 0.46999999...
.085 is a decimal number equivalent to a fraction. The expression 'whole numbers' refers to positive integers including zero :- 0,1,2,3,4, and so on. .085 can be expressed as a fraction 85/1000 which can be simplified to 17/200
If its a recurring decimal then it is -11/3 as a fraction
If it is a recurring decimal then its fraction is 1/9
If that is 38 recurring then the fraction is 38/99
0.32... = 32/99 in fraction
It is: 6409/9999 = 0.'6409' recurring '6409'