Ah, isn't that a lovely measurement to work with? To convert 1.20 meters to centimeters, you simply need to remember that there are 100 centimeters in a meter. So, all you need to do is multiply 1.20 by 100 to find that it is 120 centimeters. Just imagine all the happy little centimeters in that space!
i dont no
It depends on the exact configuration of the shape.
A meter is 100 centimeters. So half a meter is 50 centimeters. 27 centimeters + 50 centimeters = 77 centimeters A meter is 100 centimeters. So half a meter is 50 centimeters. 27 centimeters + 50 centimeters = 77 centimeters
Well, centimeters is just a length measurement, but if you mean square centimeters, then you take 100 centimeters times 100 centimeters to get 10000 square centimeters.
120m is the same as 0.12km.
The area of a regular hexagon with a perimeter 120m is about 1039.2m2
The person running 120m. If the person running 50m maintains his pace for 120m, it will take him 24s.
120m^3/30m^2 = 4 meters
About 120m per second
120m = 4,724.41 inches.