It is: 3 and 81/100 as a mixed number
To convert 8.03 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 8. The decimal part, .03, can be converted to a fraction by placing it over 100, as there are two decimal places. So, .03 as a fraction is 3/100. Therefore, 8.03 as a mixed number is 8 3/100.
3/16 can't be a mixed number however 16/3 as a mixed number is 51/3 if that's what you meant?
1/3 of 100 = 100/3 = 331/3
It is: 5/3 = 1 and 2/3 as a mixed number
3 and 19/100
3 and 15/100
130/100 written as a mixed number in simplest form is 1 and 3/10
2 and 3 over 100
what mixed number is 3/8 of 100
It is: 3 and 81/100 as a mixed number
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 100/6 is equal to 16 2/3 or sixteen and two thirds.
To convert 8.03 to a mixed number, we first note that the whole number part is 8. The decimal part, .03, can be converted to a fraction by placing it over 100, as there are two decimal places. So, .03 as a fraction is 3/100. Therefore, 8.03 as a mixed number is 8 3/100.
To convert 3.83 into a mixed number, you first write down the whole number part, which is 3. Then, you take the decimal part, .83, and convert it to a fraction by placing it over 100 (since there are two decimal places). This gives you 83/100. Therefore, 3.83 as a mixed number is 3 83/100.
3 over 4. There is no mixed number
The mixed number is: 3 87/100
146 over 3 as a mixed number = 482/3