12.49 to the nearest whole number is 12. When rounding a decimal number to the nearest whole number, you look at the digit immediately to the right of the decimal point. If it is 5 or greater, you round up; if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, 12.49 is closer to 12 than it is to 13, so it rounds down to 12.
680. When you round a number it means to make it to the nearest of what is asked. Ie. Rounding 8 to the nearest 10 would be 10. Rounding 1249 to the nearest 1000 would be 1000.
Anywhere from 1150 to 1249
138. What is required is the largest number n such that: 285 = jn + 9 1249 = kn + 7 So subtract the required remainders and then find the hcf of the results: 285 - 9 = 276 1249 - 7 = 1242 Find hcf of 276 and 1242: 1242 / 276 = 4 r 138 276 / 138 = 2 r 0 hcf of 276 and 1242 is 138. Thus 138 is the largest number to divide 285 with a remainder of 9 and divides 1249 with a remainder of 7.
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
It is: 150 that when rounded to the nearest hundred is 200-----------------------------------------It all depends to what nearest you are rounding. The smallest number is when rounding to the nearest 200 and it is 100:To the nearest 200, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 100;To the nearest 100, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 150;To the nearest 50, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 175;To the nearest 40, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 180;To the nearest 25, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 187.5 (or whole number is 188);To the nearest 20, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 190;To the nearest 8, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 196;To the nearest 5, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 197.5 (or whole number is 198);To the nearest 4, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 198;To the nearest 2, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 199;To the nearest whole number, the smallest number that rounds to 200 is 199.5
The mean of a single number is the number itself. So 1249.
680. When you round a number it means to make it to the nearest of what is asked. Ie. Rounding 8 to the nearest 10 would be 10. Rounding 1249 to the nearest 1000 would be 1000.
To find 25 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.25. In this instance, 0.25 x 1249 = 312.25. Therefore, 25 percent of 1249 is equal to 312.25.
is also a whole number
Anywhere from 1150 to 1249
Yes, but not every integer is a whole number. (Negative integers are not whole numbers.)
1/3 of 1249 = 1/3 x 1249 = 1249/3 = 4161/3 ≈ 416.33
If you mean: 1249% then as a fraction it is 1249/100 in its lowest terms
1249 then 1250 1251 1252 1253 and so on ...
1249 x 8 = 9992