It is 0.0054 rounded to two significant figures
4000 has between 1 and 4 significant figures: if it is a rounded number, then it could have been 3999.9, for example, which would be rounded to 4000 to 1, 2, 3 or 4 significant figures.
Rounded to two significant figures, 0.8783 is equal to 0.88.
Exactly what you typed. 144.78 rounded to 2 decimal places is 144.78. You may mean significant figures, in which case it would be 1.4*10^3 (2 significant figures).
It is 6.7 when rounded to 2 significant figures
1,430 rounded to 2 significant figures is 1,400
1686 rounded to 2 significant figures is 1700
0.6942 rounded off to 2 significant figures is 0.69
Well, when we round 99.9 to 2 significant figures, it becomes 100. Remember, we look at the digit after the second significant figure to determine if we round up or keep the number as it is. Just like adding a happy little tree to a painting, rounding can help simplify numbers and make them easier to work with.
There are 2 or 3 significant figures. It could be 894° rounded to 2 significant figures; It could be 889.6° rounded to 3 significant figures.
6,596 rounded to two significant figures is 6,600
8.0325 rounded to two significant figures results in 8.0.
Rounded to 2 significant figures it is 0.043
59,684 rounded to two significant figures is 6.0e4
It is 0.0054 rounded to two significant figures
At least 1 and at most 7. It could be 3,999,999.9 rounded to 7 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 6 significant figures; It could be 4,000,015 rounded to 5 significant figures; It could be 4,000,429 rounded to 4 significant figures; It could be 3,999,999 rounded to 3 significant figures; It could be 4,049,999 rounded to 2 significant figures; It could be 4,492,467 rounded to 1 significant figure.