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Joseph Turner

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Q: What is 12 figures in money?
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How many significant figures are in 12?

There are two significant figures in the number 12.

How many significant figures are in 29.5035460993?

12 significant figures.

How many significant figures are there in 12?

There is 2 significant figures in the number 12.

There are at least 12 eggs in a carton How many significant figures does the value 12 have in this case?

there are 2 significant figures in 12 eggs in a carton because it has only 12 eggs it is only tens but if it like 12,000,001 it has 8 significant figures...

When did Colin Figures die?

Colin Figures died on 2006-12-08.

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How much is three figures

What is 12 in significant digit?

It depends upon how you got to the 12, for example: 28.6 - 16.6 = 12.0 Because each of the numbers that was used to get to the 12 had 3 significant figures, you should write the 12 with three significant figures also. However: 29 - 17 = 12 In this case, each of the numbers that was used to get to 12 had only 2 significant figures, so use only 2 significant figures in the 12.

How many significant figures does 12 have?

Non-zero digits are always significant, so the number 12 has two significant figures.

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What is figures in math?

usually figures in math is dealing with a diagram in a text book or numbers dealing with money

How many significant figures does 18.441 plus 12 plus 3.002 have?

The real answer is 33.443 but since 12 is the number with the least significant figures your answer will be 33