It depends on the units for 13 and 7: 13 metres by 7 metres? yards?
Perimeter: just add the sides. 13+13+7+7= 40 Area: multiply the length by the width. 13x7= 91 Make sure to put the unit of measurement too! :) (oh, by the way, I'm guessing this is a rectangle)
6x0=0 7x0=0 8x0=0 9x0=0 10x0=0 11x0=0 12x0=0 13x0=0 6x1=6 7x1=7 8x1=8 9x1=9 10x1=10 11x1=11 12x1=12 13x1=13 6x2=12 7x2=14 8x2=16 9x2=18 10x2=20 11x2=22 12x2=24 13x2=26 6x3=18 7x3=21 8x3=24 9x3=27 10x3=30 11x3=33 12x3=36 13x3=39 6x4=24 7x4=28 8x4=32 9x4=36 10x4=40 11x4=44 12x4=48 13x4=52 6x5=30 7x5=35 8x8=40 9x5=45 10x5=50 11x5=55 12x5=60 13x5=65 6x6=36 7x6=42 8x6=48 9x6=54 10x6=60 11x6=66 12x6=72 13x6=78 6x7=42 7x7=49 8x7=56 9x7=63 10x7=70 11x7=77 12x7=84 13x7=91 6x8=48 7x8=56 8x8=64 9x8=72 10x8=80 11x8=88 12x8=96 13x8=104 6x9=54 7x9=63 8x9=72 9x9=81 10x9=90 11x9=99 12x9=108 13x9=117 6x10=60 7x10=70 8x10=80 9x10=90 10x10=100 11x10=110 12x10=120 13x10=130 6x11=66 7x11=77 8x11=88 9x11=99 10x11=110 11x11=121 12x11=132 13x11=143 6x12=72 7x12=84 8x12=96 9x12=108 10x12=120 11x12=132 12x12=144 13x12=156 6x13=78 7x13=91 8x13=104 9x13=117 10x13=130 11x13=143 12x13=156 13x13=169
yes 13x7=91
13 is the largest full number (13x7=91)
It depends on the units for 13 and 7: 13 metres by 7 metres? yards?
25.4 mm = 1 in → 13×7 mm = 13×(7 ÷ 25.4) in ≈ 13×0.28 in
area =1/2bxh 13x7=91 91x1/2=45.5
13. 13x13=169. 13x5=65. 13x7=91.
Multiply the two dimensions to get the area. The calculation gives you 507 square feet.
Perimeter: just add the sides. 13+13+7+7= 40 Area: multiply the length by the width. 13x7= 91 Make sure to put the unit of measurement too! :) (oh, by the way, I'm guessing this is a rectangle)