15 percent of 120 dollars is 18 dollars. If you take it away from the 120 dollars, there are 102 dollars remaining.
Percentage means a fraction with a denominator of 100. 15 percent is 15/100. 15% of something means you multiply it by 15/100. Therefore 15% of 120 is 120*15/100 = 1800/100 = 18. In dollars, 15% of $120 is $18. Now 15% OFF of $120 means you subtract 15% from the original price. So $120 - $18 = $102. Final answer. Or you could say that 15% (of anything) OFF 100% is 85% because 100 - 15 = 85. $120*85/100 = $10,200/100 = $102. Same answer of course.
Is this 60% OFF OF 30 dollars or 60% OF 30 dollars? 60% OF $30 is 30*.60 = $18 60% OFF of $30 would be subtracting that 60% off of it. $30 - $18 = $12 60% OFF of $30 would be the same as 40% OF $30
15% of 18= 15% * 18= 0.15 * 18= 2.7
15% of 120 is 18.
15 percent of 120 dollars is 18 dollars. If you take it away from the 120 dollars, there are 102 dollars remaining.
what is 18 percent off 350 dollars
25 percent of 18 dollars is 18*25/100 = 4.50 dollars So 25% off of 18 dollars is 13.50 dollars
18 dollars.
405 dollars
10% off $18 = $18 - ( 0.1 x $18) = $16.2
15% * 18 pound = 2.70 pound.18 - 2.7 = 15.30 poundHowever if you misspelled and actually mean 15 percent of18, then the answer is 2.70 pound. ("off" means 18 minus 15% of 18)
Percentage means a fraction with a denominator of 100. 15 percent is 15/100. 15% of something means you multiply it by 15/100. Therefore 15% of 120 is 120*15/100 = 1800/100 = 18. In dollars, 15% of $120 is $18. Now 15% OFF of $120 means you subtract 15% from the original price. So $120 - $18 = $102. Final answer. Or you could say that 15% (of anything) OFF 100% is 85% because 100 - 15 = 85. $120*85/100 = $10,200/100 = $102. Same answer of course.
10 ÷ 100 × 18 = 1.818 - 1.8 = $16.2