9/17 does that.
The two numbers that equal 153 are 17 and 9. This is because when you add 17 and 9 together, you get 26, which is the sum of the two numbers. Additionally, when you multiply 17 and 9, you also get 153, making them the two numbers that satisfy the given condition.
You need to add signs in, like + - and =, without out those, the question cannot be answered
9/17 does that.
8 + 9 = 17
....Well...if you mean 4y + 9 = 17, then the answer is 2.If you mean 4y - 9 = 17, then the answer is 6.5.
Expressed as a decimal, 17 + 9/10 is equal to 17.9.
153 is equal to 9 x 17, or 32 x 17.
y = 2 (4X2=8) +9 = 17
If: x/17 = 9/2 then x = 76.5
Not sure about 720 but if the answer were to be 72 then the two numbers are 8 and 9 8 x 9 = 72 8 + 9 = 17
No, 159 divided by 9 is 17.6666 . . .