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Q: What is 17 tens written in standard form?
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What is 17 tens written in expanded form?

100 + 70

How do you write 15 thousands 20 tens and 17 ones in standard form?

1521215 thousands = 1500020 tens = 20017 ones = 12sum: 15000 + 200 + 12 = 15212standard form: 15212

What is the answer to 3 hundreds 17 tens 13 ones 1 tenths and 2 hundredths?

What is the question ? How many powers of ten are involved ? . . . 5 of them How is the sum written in standard form ? . . . 483.12 How many digits in the standard form are even ? . . . 3 of them Is the sum divisible by 0.03 ? . . . Yes . . . . etc.

How do you write 8 hundreds 17 tens and 18 ones in standard form?

8*100 + 17*10 + 18*1 = 800 + 170 + 18 = 988

How do you write seventeen thousandths in standard form?

This depends on what your standard form is. Seventeen thousandths can be written as a fraction: 17/1000 (i.e. as 17 over 1000) It can be written as a decimal: 0.0017 It can be written in "scientific notation": 17 x 10-3

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How do you write 17 thousandths into standard form?

17 thousandths, in standard form, is 17/1000, or 17 over 1000.

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How do you write 17 and 25 thousandths in standard form?

17 and 25 thousandths (17.025)* in standard form = 1.7025 × 101*standard notation

What is the standard form of 17 and 134 thousandths?

The standard form of 17 and 134 thousandths (17.134) is 1.7134 × 101

Why 17 tens and 1 hundred 7 tens have the same value?

17 tens = (10 + 7) tens = 10 tens + 7 tens = 1 hundred + 7 tens.

What is 17 squared in standard form?

17 squared = 172 = 289