Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the number 279. If we're looking for the nearest hundred, we can see that 279 is closer to 300 than 200. So the nearest hundred to 279 is 300. Just a happy little rounding up to make things simpler!
200 km
It doesn't need to be rounded. 2.1 km is the same as 2,100 meters. That's already rounded to the nearest meter, the nearest 10 meters, and the nearest 100 meters.
What does 279 round to?
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the number 279. If we're looking for the nearest hundred, we can see that 279 is closer to 300 than 200. So the nearest hundred to 279 is 300. Just a happy little rounding up to make things simpler!
347 km to the nearest 100 km is 300 km. since 300 is close to 347
450 kilometers is approximately equal to 279 miles.
200 km
489 KM
As a wild guess, I would say that is is a km.