The nearest hundred of 279 is 300. When determining the nearest hundred, you look at the tens digit of the number in question. Since the tens digit of 279 is 7, which is greater than 5, you round up to the nearest hundred, which is 300.
200 km
The circumference is equal to pidiameter, or 3.143km 9.42 or 9 km rounded to the nearest km
What does 279 round to?
The nearest hundred of 279 is 300. When determining the nearest hundred, you look at the tens digit of the number in question. Since the tens digit of 279 is 7, which is greater than 5, you round up to the nearest hundred, which is 300.
347 km to the nearest 100 km is 300 km. since 300 is close to 347
450 kilometers is approximately equal to 279 miles.
200 km
489 KM
As a wild guess, I would say that is is a km.