105 210 divided by 2 is 105. Prime factorization of 210 is 2X3X5X7 210 is even. 105 is odd.
You can figure this out by just multiplying the first 24 primes. So take 2x3x5x7....24th prime and you have your number. It is a bit of work, but one can just grind out the computation. And if you don't know the first 24 primes, just ask WikiAnswers.com We have you covered!
The prime factors of 210 are 2x3x5x7.
2x3x5x7 = 210 II*III*V*VII = CCX
The smallest number divisible by first four prime numbers is 2x3x5x7 = 210.
The prime factors are: 2 3 5 72, 3, 5 and 7
105 210 divided by 2 is 105. Prime factorization of 210 is 2X3X5X7 210 is even. 105 is odd.
210 = 21x10 = (3x7)(2x5) = 2x3x5x7. The following sets of factors all fit the conditions of the question: 2,3,5,7; 5,6,7; 2,7,15; 2,3,35; 3,10,7; 2,5,21 and 3,5,14.
The number is 210.Prime factorization lists the prime number factors that when multiplied together yield the factored number. 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 210
You can figure this out by just multiplying the first 24 primes. So take 2x3x5x7....24th prime and you have your number. It is a bit of work, but one can just grind out the computation. And if you don't know the first 24 primes, just ask WikiAnswers.com We have you covered!
Start by factoring each of the numbers. Then eliminate duplicate factors, and multiply together whatever factors are left. 42=2x3X7 30=2x3x5 Since the 2 and 3 are duplicated, eliminate the duplications, and multiply 2X3X5X7=210. Answer: 210