The 42nd digit of pi is 6. (The first 43 digits of pi are 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169. If pi were rounded to the nearest 42 digits, then the 6 would be rounded up to a seven.)
None of the numbers are underlined. In the number 56123, the 5 has a value of 50000, the 6 has a value of 6000, the 1 has a value of 100, the 2 has a value of 20 and the 3 has a value of 3.
If the underlined digit in the number 677 is 6, you would round the whole number to 700. If the first 7 is underlined it would be 680.
What is the common fraction value of the underlined digit with the six being underlined in the number 30.63
Either 4000, 400, 70 or 6.
Each of the number that is shown rounds to 0.
The 42nd digit of pi is 6. (The first 43 digits of pi are 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169. If pi were rounded to the nearest 42 digits, then the 6 would be rounded up to a seven.)