286Rounded to nearest 10: 290Rounded to nearest 100: 300Rounded to nearest 1000: 0
It is 12,000 because 300 is less than 500
Rounding up, the nearest thousand to 282 is 1000.
7,682,300 rounded to the nearest 1,000 is 7,682,000.
As the digit in the tens position is a 6, it is rounded up to give 300 as the answer.
286Rounded to nearest 10: 290Rounded to nearest 100: 300Rounded to nearest 1000: 0
To the nearest hundred it is 300
To the nearest 1000: 0 To the nearest 100: 300 To the nearest 10: 330 To the nearest 1: 326 To the nearest 0.1: 325.8
It is 12,000 because 300 is less than 500
Well, darling, 273 rounded to the nearest 1000 is still 0. Because when you're playing in the big leagues of thousands, 273 doesn't even make the cut. So, keep dreaming big, honey, but 273 stays put in the hundreds club.
It is 2000 because 300 is less than 500
1000-300 = 700