2 subtracted by 3 = -1
A negative and a negative can yield a positive result in some cases.SubtractionSubtracting a negative number is the same as adding its negative value, which is positive. So if the subtracted number is larger in value, the answer will be positive.(-4) - (-3) = (-4) + 3 = (-1) * the subtracted number was not large enough(-4) - (-8) = (-4) + 8 = 4 *the subtracted number was large enough to yield a positiveMultiplication and DivisionWhenever a negative number and a negative number are multiplied or divided, the negative signs "cancel out" and the result is positive.(-2) x (-3) = 6(-6) / (-3) = 2A multiplication or division involving one negative and one positive will, however, have a negative result.
No.Two matrices A and B can be added or subtracted if and only if they have the same number of rows and columns. That is a 3 x 2 matrix can be added or subtracted only with another 3 x 2 matrix.
No. (-1/3) - (-2/3) = + 1/3
A positiveIMPROVED: -2-6 = -8but if you have 2 - -3 then the minus's will become a PLUS, so it'll be 2+3 which is 5.
2 subtracted by 3 = -1
If: 2p/3 -12 = -2 then the value of p works out as 15
It is negative 34.
If you are asking how many numbers difference is there between two numbers, then it will be positive. If you are referring to subtraction, if the number you are subtracting from is the larger number, it will be positive. If it is smaller it will be negative. 3 - 2 = 1 (3, the number being subtracted from, is larger, so the answer is positive) 2 - 3 = -1 (2, the number being subtracted from, is smaller, so the answer is negative)
The answer to this depends on what you are doing with the numbers..... * A negative added to a negative gives a negative (-3) + (-5) = -8 * A negative subtracted from a negative may give either a negative or a positive (-3) - (-5) = +2 (-5) - (-3) = -2 * A negative multiplied by a negative gives a positive (-3) x (-5) = +15 * A negative divided by a negative gives a positive (-3) ÷ (-5) = +0.6