A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 49100, exactly as in the question.
0.21 is 21 hundredths written as a decimal.
46.7 is written as a decimal.
It is already written in decimal form.
It is already written in decimal form.
It is already in decimal form.
15*49100 = 736500.
49100 as a percentage = 4910000%49100 * 100% = 4910000%
0.38 is less than 49,100.
1/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.11/10 is written, in decimal, as 0.1
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! 0.81 written as a decimal is simply 0.81. It's like a tiny little dot of paint on your canvas, adding just the right amount of color and detail. Keep practicing and soon you'll be painting decimal numbers with ease!
It is already written as a decimal
635 written as a decimal = 635.0
five written as a decimal = 5.0
Any real number can be written as a decimal.
6.7 is already written as a decimal.
25 written as a decimal = 25.0