In any division sum, for example, 12 / 4 = 3, the divisor is the second number - the one that the number is divided by.
Sum of 8 and 4 (8+4=12) is 12 Difference of 8 and 4 (8-4=4) is 4 So 12/4 is 3
4/(n + 12)
In any division sum, for example, 12 / 4 = 3, the divisor is the second number - the one that the number is divided by.
Mean = (sum of the samples) divided by (number of samples) = (8 + 12 + 15 + 11) / 4 = 46/4 = 11.5
Let the number be x:- If: 4+2x = 12 Then: x = 4
Sum of 8 and 4 (8+4=12) is 12 Difference of 8 and 4 (8-4=4) is 4 So 12/4 is 3
In any division sum, such as 8 / 4 = 2, the number to be divided, in this instance, the 8, is the dividend.
If your number is 4 times ?, and the sum is 40, your problem would be 40 divided by 4. You'd get 10.