In any division sum, such as 8 / 4 = 2, the number to be divided, in this instance, the 8, is the dividend.
The number by which a number is divided is called the divisor. The number which is divided is called the dividend and the number resulting from the division is called the quotient.
All numbers can be divided. But if you get a number with an infinate decimal that would be called an irrational number(the dividend, not the divisor) a number that can't be divided is a prime number. prime number
The answer to a division problem is the quotient
We call this left over number the remainder.
It sounds like you are talking about prime numbers.
A dividend.
The number by which a number is divided is called the divisor. The number which is divided is called the dividend and the number resulting from the division is called the quotient.
The dividend.
The Answer: The dividend
You call this number the Divisor. The number it is being divided by is the Dividend.the dvident i bielive is the correct answer
It is a factor of the number to be divided
A multiple.
It is the divisor.
The Divisor.
All numbers can be divided. But if you get a number with an infinate decimal that would be called an irrational number(the dividend, not the divisor) a number that can't be divided is a prime number. prime number
The Quotient