4 months, as a decimal, is 4 months. Or, if you prefer, 4.00 months. It does not matter how many 0s you append after the decimal point - except that the greater the number of 0s the greater the implied precision.
3/4 is the equivalent fraction for the decimal 0.75.
one quarter: = 1/4 in fraction = 0.25 in decimal = 25% in percentage
3/4 is an equivalent fraction to the decimal 0.75.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 3/4 is equal to 0.75.
If you are trying to compare a given decimal to a given fraction, you can divide the fraction out and compare the result to the given decimal. For example, 1/2 = 1 divided by 2. = 0.5 3/4 = 3 divided by 4. = 0.75
4/100 (fraction) .04 (decimal)
fraction: 4/100 = 1/25 decimal: 0.04
4 thousandths as decimal fraction (4/1000)=0.004
there is no such thing as fraction as a decimalthere is no such thing as fraction as a decimal
fraction and decimal of 56.25%:= 0.5625 in decimal= 5625/100 or 225/4 in fraction
The fraction would be written as 4/400 and would be 0.01 as a decimal.
3/4 for fraction and .75 for decimal
The number 3.25 is already a decimal. As a mixed fraction it is 3 1/4, and 13/4 as an improper fraction.
The decimal 0.203 as a fraction is: 203/1000
3/4 is the equivalent fraction for the decimal 0.75.
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
400% = 4.0 in decimal = 4/1 in fraction