

What is 4 more than twice x?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is 4 more than twice x?
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Four more than twice a number is less than the number?

2x + 4 < x x < -4

How do you write 4 more than twice x?

As an algebraic expression it is: 2x+4

5 more than twice a number?

Let's call "a number" x. Then 5 more than twice x is 5 + 2x.

If 4 more than twice a certain number is 3 less than that number what is the number?

the equation is 2x + 4 = x - 3 solving it yields x = -7

Twice a number less than 8 equals 4?

you r asking a number whose twice will be 4 but less than 8. so, take a no. x. by ques. 2x=4; 2x=4; x=4/2; hence x=2; 2 is answer and less than 8 of twice it.

What is the equation of four more than twice the number is 8?

It is: 2x+4 = 8 and the value of x is 2

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If 4 more than twice a number is 6 less than that number what is the number?

The equation can be simplified as 4+2x=x-6. Moving similar entities to similar sides, the equation becomes 2x-x=-6-4. We then get x=-10.

What is twice the sum of 4 and x is less than -16?


4 less than twice a number?

(2x - 4) or [ 2(x - 2) ].

What is 4 more than a number?

If the number is represented by X, then '4 more than a number' is represented by (X+4).

Find three consecutive even integers such that if the largest integer is subtracted from four times the smallest the result is 4 more than twice the middle integer?

If the largest integer is subtracted from four times the smallest, the result is 4 more than twice the middle integer. Let the smallest integer be x, then the others are x + 2 and x+ 4. Therefore 4x - (x + 4) = 2 (x + 2 ) + 4 Expanding, we get 4x -x -4 = 2x + 4 + 4 Gathering terms: x = 12 Thus the three integers are 12, 14 and 16.