2 and 4/9
0.555 = 555 / 1000 = 111 / 200
The number 555-555-5555 is not a good number. Some people use it to mask their actual number so the person being called cannot identify them.
The phone number for Papa Pete's Pizza is in the magazine that had the show application form. It is 555-7383 (555-PETE). You can call for a pizza from the Motel Office phone.
Go to Place -- Components ---- Find "Mixed" in Groups --- and write 555 in components text bar, here u have IC 555
555 has religious meaning, while 666 is the number of Satan and demons, and 777 is the number of God and angels, 555 is the number representing humans and their domain
555-7383 (555-pete)
555 is not prime. 555 = 3 * 5 * 37