52.87 rounded to the ones place is 53 because the next digit (8) is greater than 5. If it was less than five the answer would be 52. If we truncated the number instead of rounding it, the answer would be 52.
54.38 rounded to the ones place is 54.
5357 - 5287 = 70 70 / 2 = 35 5357 - 35 = 5322 or 5287 + 35 = 5322 so halfway between 5287 and 5357 is 5322
5.264 rounded to the nearest ones place is 5
ten would be estimated to 10 if rounded by tens place and be 10 if rounded by ones place
14.49 rounded to the ones place
999.99 rounded to the nearest ones place becomes 1,000
3.35 rounded to nearest ones place is 3.00
56.4059 rounded to the ones place is 56
831 is already rounded to the ones place.
54.38 rounded to the ones place is 54.
44.31 rounded to the nearest ones place is 44
47.81 rounded to the nearest ones is 48
23,398 was rounded to the nearest ones place.
90.763 rounded to the ones place is 91
It is: 11