53/100 is as simplified as you can make that number.
11/26 is the simplified fraction
0.644 as a simplified fraction = 644/1000 = 161/250
0.125 as fraction simplified is 1/8.
0.35 as a fraction is 35/100. When simplified, this becomes 7/20.
53/100 is as simplified as you can make that number.
Yes, to: 1 36/53
53/60, this cannot be further simplified
It is: 1.65625 = 53/32 as a simplified fraction
0.265 = 265/1000 = 53/200
53/45 cannot be simplified further.
The square root of 53 is an irrational number which can't be simplified in the form of a fraction and it is about 7.28 as a decimal rounded to two decimal places.
2 and 65/100 or 2 and 13/20 in simplified form or 53/20 as an improper fraction
It is: -53/10 as an improper fraction
0.53 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 53/100 which cannot be further simplified.
0.05 as a fraction simplified is 1/20