Yes, they are equal fractions. 10/12 = 5/6 which, in decimal, is approximately 0.8333333333333333333 ... (the 3s repeat forever)
d. 2/5
it equals 1/6 of the pizza or 2/12 or 3/18 or 4/24 by the way the fractions after 1/6 are equivalent to 1/6 equivalent means they are equal to so the fractions are equivalent to (equal to) 1/6
Well, darling, between 5 and 6, there are infinity fractions. Fractions are like rabbits, they just keep multiplying. So, if you want an exact number, tough luck, because you'll be counting those fractions until the cows come home.
To subtract fractions, the denominators (bottom numbers) must be equal; so first convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. Then the numerators (top numbers) are subtracted and the resulting fraction simplified: 2/9 - 5/6 = 4/18 - 15/18 = -11/18
It is 5/6.
6/10, 3/5
6/5, 12/10
0.6 is six tenths, which is equal to 6/10, or 3/5.
60% = 6/10 and 3/5
Some equivalent fractions of 3/5 are: 3/5 = 6/10 = 9/15 = 12/20 = 15/25.
Yes, they are equal fractions. 10/12 = 5/6 which, in decimal, is approximately 0.8333333333333333333 ... (the 3s repeat forever)
12/2, 18/3, 24/4, 30/5, 36/6, 42/7
d. 2/5
To answer this question you must change the bottom numbers of the fractions so they are the same. 5/12 & 2/6 If you multiply 2/6 by 2 then the bottom number will be the same as the bottom number in the other fraction 5/12 4/12 Now you can see that the fractions are not equal 5/12 is bigger than 4/12, so the answer is no 5/12 is not equal to 2/6
There are infinite equivalent fractions, because 6/10 can be equal to 6,000/10,000. The amount of equivalent fractions with smaller numerals is 1; 3/5