7/12+4/5= 83/60 or in decimal form it is 1.383333333
5/12% = 0.416666% 5 as a percentage of 12 is 41.6666%
Expressed as a decimal, 5/12 is equal to 0.416 recurring (that is, 0.416666...)Assuming you mean the fraction 5/12, you would take the top number and divide by the bottom number. The line in a fraction really means "of" or "divided by."5/12 = 0.4166667That is only approximate since that is a repeating decimal.
Yes, they are equal fractions. 10/12 = 5/6 which, in decimal, is approximately 0.8333333333333333333 ... (the 3s repeat forever)
7 over 12 as a repeating decimal = 0.583333...
decimal equivalent for 5 over 12 = 0.41675/12:= 5 ÷ 12= 0.4167 in decimal
Divide 12 by 5 to change the fraction 12 over 5 to decimal form. 12/5 = 2.4.
5/12:= 5 ÷12= 0.4167
-5/12 = -0.41666...
12/5 = 2.4
5 over 12 (5/12) is the same as 5 divided by 12: 5 ÷ 12 = 0.4167
It is: 5/12 = 0.41'6' recurring '6'
5/12 as a decimal is 0.41'6' recurring '6'
5.5835 7/12= 5 + (7 ÷ 12)= 5 + 0.583= 5.583