It is 689.
46 - (four tens is 40 and then the digit in the ones place is two more than the digit in the tens place. 4 + 2 = 6)
780 is.
It is 62.
200 is.
619 has.
It is 689.
46 - (four tens is 40 and then the digit in the ones place is two more than the digit in the tens place. 4 + 2 = 6)
The number is 17.
780 is.
It is 62.
Oh, what a delightful little riddle we have here! Let's think about this together. If we have 6 hundreds, that's 600. Now, if we have 2 more tens than hundreds, that means we have 60 + 20 = 80. Lastly, if we have 1 more one than hundreds, that gives us 600 + 80 + 1 = 681. So, the number we're looking for is 681. Great job working through that with me!
71,454?? It may not be right but that's my