Yes, 780 is divisible by 3. You get a whole number. 780/3=260
780 is divisible by 2 because it's even. 780 is divisible by 3 because its digits total a multiple of 3. 780 is divisible by 5 because it ends in a 0. 780 is divisible by 10 because it ends in a 0.
Start by subtracting 32 from 780. Then multiply the answer with 5 and then divide by 9. In this case the answer will be in celsius. Then add 273 to the number. In this case the answer is 688.5 K.
As a product of its prime factors: 2*2*3*5*13 = 780
780: 2^2 * 3 * 5 * 13
780 390,2 195,2,2 65,3,2,2 13,5,3,2,2
-3 + 780 = 777