9 8333/50000
0.16666 in fraction form = 8333/50000
16.666 = 16666/1000 and 8333/500 and simplifies to: 16333/500
Decimal points are important. If that's 0.8333, the answer is 8333/10,000
To convert 8.3333333333 to a fraction, we first note that it is a recurring decimal. To convert this to a fraction, we can set x = 8.3333333333 and then subtract the non-recurring part from the recurring part to get 1000x - x = 8333. This simplifies to x = 8333/999, which can be further simplified to 925/111. Therefore, 8.3333333333 as a fraction is 925/111.
fraction for 8333 = 8333/1
8333 as a fraction = 8333/1
.8333 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 8333/10000. You cannot simplify this rational fraction.
9 8333/50000
0.16666 in fraction form = 8333/50000
The fraction form of 16.666 is 8333/500 or 16 and 333/500.
75/90 if it repeats, 8333/10000 if it doesn't.
16.666 = 16666/1000 and 8333/500 and simplifies to: 16333/500