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Always remember the steps for rounding:

  1. Identify the place value you're rounding to in the number itself.
  2. Look at the number to the right of the place value you need to round to.
  3. If the number is 5 or more round it up.
  4. If the number is 4 or less round it down.
  5. Round

Let's apply our steps:

  1. 894.2654 - the 5 is in the thousandths place.
  2. 894.2654 - the 4 is to the right of our place value
  3. 894.2654 - the 4 is not more than 5
  4. 894.2654 - the 4 requires us to round down
  5. 894.265

So 894.2654 rounded to the nearest thousandth is 894.265.

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