What is 13.4 × 9.82, rounded to the nearest hundred
The number 982 to the nearest whole one is 982 itself, as it is already a whole number. When rounding to the nearest whole number, you are simply looking at the nearest whole number without any decimal points. Since 982 is already a whole number, there is no need to round it.
983 is divisable by three but the resulting answer is not a whole number. 982/3 = 327.333 recurring or 327 and 1/3rd.
10,982 to the nearest thousand
11,000. 982 rounded to the nearest hundred is 1,000 (effectively 10 100's).
The number 982 to the nearest whole one is 982 itself, as it is already a whole number. When rounding to the nearest whole number, you are simply looking at the nearest whole number without any decimal points. Since 982 is already a whole number, there is no need to round it.
345982 to the nearest whole number. 345980 to the nearest ten. 346000 to the nearest hundred. 346000 to the nearest thousand. 350000 to the nearest ten thousand. 300000 to the nearest hundred thousand. Zero to the nearest million.
983 is divisable by three but the resulting answer is not a whole number. 982/3 = 327.333 recurring or 327 and 1/3rd.
It is then 982 because .9 rounds up to 1
10,982 to the nearest thousand
No - 982 is not prime. Its positive integer factors are: 1, 2, 491, 982