

What is 9.8 m divided by s2?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Logan Graham

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12y ago

it is 5.2 or splat tell your teacher

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Q: What is 9.8 m divided by s2?
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9.8 m divided by s2?


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What forces are difined as?

Acceleration is the change in velocity (m/s) divided by time (s), which is the same as meters divided by time in seconds squared (m/s2).

If the speed of an object changes from 121 m/s to 98 m/s during a time interval of 12 s, what is the acceleration of the object?

B -1.92 m/s2

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PE = m•g•h, where m is mass in kg, g is 9.8m/s2, and h is height in meters.PE = 5.0kg x 9.8m/s2 x 2.0m = 98kg•m2/s2 = 98 Joules

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what is gravitational force acting on sun in our book it was 270 m/s2 but i think it is 27.0 m/s2 *EDIT*: No, it is 274 m/s2. (27 m/s2 is only marginally higher than Jupiter's)

How do you work out the acceleration?

F=m x a a=F/m (m/s2) a=(vend-vbeginning)/(tend-tbeginning) m/s2

Is accleration equal to velocity divided by time?

Yes acceleration equals velocity divided by time i.e a=v/t and it's S.I unit is m/s2

If the speed of an object changes from 121 ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12 s what is the acceleration of the object?

-1.92 m/s2

What is the mass of an object which accelerates at 0.4 m divided s2 with a net force of 12 N?

F = ma =>m = F/a = 12/0.4 = 30 grams

S1 s2 are finite sets If s1 equals n s2 equals m then prove that s1us2 equals n plus m?

It cannot be proven because it is not true. Suppose S1 = {0,1,2,3} and S2 = {0,5,10} then S1 u S2 = {0,1,2,3,5,10} then |S1| = n = 4, |S2| = m = 3 but |S1 u S2| = 6 which is NOT n+m = 7

What are the units for the slope of a velocity-time graph?

Force, in Newtons, can be expressed as Kg*m/s2. Acceleration can be expressed as m/s2. If you divide it out, you get:= N / (m/s2)