You need more information. A fraction is the number or parts compared to the whole.
900g is simply just 900 grams. To get a fraction, you'd have to have another value to compare it too.
If you compare it to 1 kg which is 1000g, then you'd have 900 compared to 1000, or 9/10.
0.9kg = 900g
three thirds, four fourths
850g is smaller than 0.9kg (which is equal to 900g)
Express the mixed fraction as an improper fraction and then proceed as you would with ordinary fractions. If the answer is an improper fraction, then remember to convert to a mixed fraction.
2.7kg add 900g = 902.7
Don't know what frations are. In fractions, 356 could be written as 356/1 or 712/2 etc.
1 kg is bigger than 900g because 1 kg is equal to 1000g.
0.9kg = 900g
Yes there are, but they are ultrarare (I have a 950g).
900g flour.
92/2 and 184/4